Reporting of "Absent" appointments

Please note: The reporting of an appointment as "Absent" must be done within 24 hours after the start time of the appointment. 24 hours after the start of the appointment, the button allowing you to indicate an appointment as "absent" will be blocked and the appointment will be counted, with no possibility of going back. However, if you should forget, don't forget that the prospect is not lost. His contact details are still visible and you can contact him again to reschedule the appointment 😉

As part of our collaboration, Oliverlist takes care of the rescheduling of "no-shows", if they are reported less than 24 hours after the start of the appointment.

You can report an appointment if the prospect did not show up at the agreed time on the video conference link and you were unable to reach him/her on the phone number he/she gave.

The steps to report an appointment as "absent" are the following:

1) Go to the record of the appointment in question
2) Click on the "Report as absent" button

Once the report is made:

Our team will call the prospect with the aim of rescheduling the appointment. If we are unable to reschedule the appointment, the appointment will remain "absent" and will not be charged.

If you are able to reach the prospect in the meantime by your own means:

If you manage to reach the prospect in the meantime by your own means, or if the prospect calls you back, please let us know on the Oliverlist platform. In this way, we will stop the call-back sequences while avoiding an embarrassing call from the prospect, who will not understand the reason for our call when an appointment has already been rescheduled 😉

To tell us to stop a callback sequence:

1) Go to the record of the appointment in question.
2) Click on the "Set as a valid opportunity" button.